Star Trek Andorian Empire Starship Kumari Class.
Free Star Trek computer desktop hd wallpaper, images, pictures download.
Scene was rendered in 3DS Max, Star field done in Apophysis 7x with post-work in Adobe Photoshop. 3D Model Andorian Kumari by David Metlesits on Deviantart, Planet by Dadrian. Render, background, composition by Alex Lima.
The Star Trek trademarks, logos, and related names are owned by CBS Studios Inc.
Star Trek Andorian Empire Starship Kumari Class was created by Alex lima for You can use the image as a desktop background for the computer monitor, table, iPhone or notebook. Please don’t redistribute the image!
Great free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper by Alex Lima.
Free Star Trek wallpaper – Enjoy!
To download, choose the screen size you wish:
1280×720 1366×768 1600×900 1920×1080 2560×1440
Click on the preview image if you wish to download desktop wallpaper with the biggest screen resolution available. For other screen resolutions, click on the links above
To save this file to your desktop: right-click on the actual wallpaper image and choose “Save Picture As…” or “Set as Background”.
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Disclaimer: we do not claim any of these images to be our own creation. This image was submitted to this site by one of the visitors. We appriciate very much the hard work and effort used to create them. All wallpaper images have ‘copyrights’ and ‘trademarks’ of their creators and respected owners. If you do not see appropriate credit given, please let us know and we will correct it as soon as possible.