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Free Morrissey Lyrics computer desktop wallpaper

Free desktop wallpaper of Morrissey Lyrics.

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The Life of Steven Morrissey

Steven Patrick Morrissey was born on May 22, 1959 in Manchester, Northern England. During the early 1970s, he joined a band called Wild Ram, which was later changed to different names like Not Sensibles, and Ed Banger and the Nosebleeds. At that time, Eddie Garrity was the vocalist. But in 1977, he and another band member left the group so Morrissey took over the vocals. The name was shortened to The Nosebleeds with Pete Crooks on as, Toby on drums, and Billy Duffy on guitar. The group disbanded sometime in 1978.

Three years later, Morrissey met a guitarist named John Mar, who at that time was working in a clothes shop. He was searching for someone who could put lyrics to the music he composed. The two worked things out and eventually collaborated on some songs. Their original idea was to sell the songs to bands or managers but they changed their minds and decided to go form a band instead. The band was called The Smiths. John Mahr became Johnny Marr while Steven Morrissey dropped his first name and simply became Morrisey. The other two members were Mike Joyce, a drummer and Andy Rourke, a bassist.

In May 1983, The Smiths released their first single, which was entitled Hand in Glove. It didn’t ring up so much on the public but on October of that same year, their third single entitled This Charming Man became a smashing hit. It even became the best-selling single for Rough Trade, which was a small music label.

A year after that, the band was able to release their first album, which was self-titled. Unfortunately, the album wasn’t able to meet the extremely high expectations of people that came from the media hype. The single Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now was the only savior. It pulled the album together and managed to sell a good amount of copies enough to keep the band on the limelight. During that time, they became one of the hottest and most promising young bands in Britain.

After that came two more albums titled Meat is Murder and The Queen is Dead. In 1987, they released their fourth album called Strangeways Here We Come. They ended their contract with Rough Trade and moved on to EMI, which was a much bigger label. Everything was going on so well until Marr quit the band. The Smiths wasn’t able to cope with his departure and eventually disbanded.

Morrissey then went on to embark on a solo career, which people quickly dismissed as something that would not go anywhere far. He kept on writing songs and collaborated with the band’s former producer Steven Street. Vini Reilly became Morrissey’s new guitar player. The two released a first single titled Suedehead, which quickly topped the charts much to the surprise of the skeptics. Morrissey released his first solo album in 1988 called Viva Hate.

Several strings of events came after that, some proved him triumphant, others put him in trouble. Nonetheless, Morrissey still remains as one of the most popular names in the music industry in Britain. If you’re a fan of his music, download a free Morrissey Lyrics wallpaper for your computer.

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