Free desktop wallpaper of F1 Singapore Grand Prix.
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Grand Prix in the Lion City
Singapore is not only a good travel destination but a good place to watch F1 racing. Singapore city is the largest and most significant island in Singapore. This is the place where Asian culture meets with modern technology. Temples and ethnic groups somehow found their place along with skyscrapers and modern architectural buildings. People sometimes think that this is a dull country because of the quiet culture of people who live in modern buildings but this place is anything but that. There is a very lively nightlife where people of different cultures socialize. There are also plenty of culinary experiences to try here. And of course there are many sights to see including the F1 Grand Prix circuit.
The practice for F1 Singapore Grand Prix will be held on September 21, followed by the qualifying race on September 22, and then the actual race will be on September 23. Singapore has been considered the jewel in the Formula One crown. The Lion City has staged wonderful Grand Prix events making it a hot tourist spot during this period. People who want to see and participate in this event will have the chance to stay in comfortable hotels with hospitable services. Ticket prices remain the same this year due to the success of last years Grand Prix event and to further enhance tourism in this country. The F1 Paddock Club in Singapore is the most innovative, creating more ways for people to enjoy this event.
For the fans of F1 racing and the people who also love the Lion city, do not forget to download free F1 Singapore Grand Prix 2012 wallpaper in your computer to transfer the vibe of this sport in front of you.
To save this file to your desktop: right-click on the actual wallpaper image and choose “Save Picture As…” or “Set as Background”.
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