Free desktop wallpaper of F1 Santander British Grand Prix.
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Make the Most Out of Your F1 Santander British Grand Prix 2012 Trip
The Formula 1 Santander British Grand Prix will start with two practice sessions on July 6 this year. The third practice session as well as the qualifying race will follow on Saturday. The official Grand Prix race will be on July 8 at 13:00. The distance of the race is 306.198 kilometers. Thats 52 laps multiplied by 5.891 km. The current lap record holder is 1:30:874 by Fernando Alonso.
If youre going there to watch the race live, its a must to get a hotel booking right away. As you know, during the race season, hotels are jam-packed and fully booked. Booking as early as possible would mean being able to find a nice room in a hotel thats located near the race venue.
Its also a must to pack adequately. While you dont have to bring your entire house, its important to bring all the essentials. Pack enough refreshments and food and bring your hat, sunglasses, camera, camcorder, and binoculars to experience the race the best way possible. Although the weather is hot, its still a good move to bring a rain poncho or umbrella in case of unexpected rain showers.
The race is the primary reason for your visit but while youre there, you might as well go sightseeing. There are plenty of nice sights and attractions to visit while youre in the area. Just be sure to plan your itinerary well. When you get home, download a free F1 Santander British Grand Prix to commemorate your special trip.
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