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Eid Mubarak for Eid ul-Fitr
Our Muslim brothers and sisters greet each other with Eid Mubarak or Blessed Eid during the festivals of Eid ul-Adha and Eid ul-Fitr. When translated in English, this greeting means blessed feast. This is uttered after the Eid prayer. Most Muslims use the greeting throughout the celebration of Eid ul-Fitr as part of the cultural tradition instead of a religious tradition.
The Muslim faith is known all over the world for being one of the strongest spiritual beliefs and their Ramadan observation followed by the Eid ul-Fitr or the Feast of Breaking the Fast is completely observed by all Muslims all over the world. Eid Mubarak is the number one symbol of the celebration nowadays although its use is still new. Ramadan is the great period of prayer, praising, and repentance for the Muslims. They observe a strict fasting rule for 40 days between sunrise up to sunset. Eid ul-Fitr follows with a joyous celebration characterized by an abundant feast.
The greeting has been translated into different languages and symbols depending on the area of celebration and is commonly accompanied by gestures and other traditions. In areas like the Middle East and South Asia, Eid ul-Fitr is considered as a holiday. People often green each other with a hug or a kiss on the cheek or forehead especially among family members and friends.
Whether you are a Muslim or not, use the phrase during the Eid ul-Fitr. Show appreciation to the diversity and strength of the Muslim traditions by downloading free Eid Mubarak wallpaper for your desktop.