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Free Digital Paintings Art Dragon Battle computer desktop wallpaper

Free desktop wallpaper of Digital Paintings Art Dragon Battle.

Free computer desktop wallpaper by unknown.
This wallpaper was submitted by one of the visitors. Please let us know if you know the author of this wallpaper.

Free wallpaper – Enjoy!

To download, choose the screen size you wish:
1280×720   1366×768   1600×900   1920×1080

Click on the preview image if you wish to download desktop wallpaper with the biggest screen resolution available. For other screen resolutions, click on the links above

Digital Paintings Art Dragon Battle

Digital painting is an emerging art form in which traditional painting techniques such as watercolor, oils, impasto, etc. are applied using digital tools by means of a computer, a digitizing tablet and stylus, and software. Traditional painting is painting with a physical medium as opposed to a more modern style like digital. Digital painting differs from other forms of digital art, particularly computer-generated art, in that it does not involve the computer rendering from a model. The artist uses painting techniques to create the digital painting directly on the computer.

Software for Artists and Designers – These are amazing programs that every artist needs to consider training in to become the best in their industries: Poser Pro, GoAnimate, SketchBook, Mudbox, Blender, FL Studio, Flash Professional, ZBrush, Cinema 4D, Maya, Toon Boom Studio 8, Illustrator, Premiere, Unity Pro 4, Mari, 3ds Max and Adobe Photoshop.

Download free Digital Paintings Art HD Desktop Wallpapers in High Quality Resolution, Digital Paintings Art Dragon Battle wallpaper for your computer desktop.

To save this file to your desktop: right-click on the actual wallpaper image and choose “Save Picture As…” or “Set as Background”.
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Disclaimer: we do not claim any of these images to be our own creation. This image was submitted to this site by one of the visitors. We appriciate very much the hard work and effort used to create them. All wallpaper images have ‘copyrights’ and ‘trademarks’ of their creators and respected owners. If you do not see appropriate credit given, please let us know and we will correct it as soon as possible.