Free desktop wallpaper of December 25 Christmas Day.
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December 25 Christmas Day
In commemoration of Jesus Christs birthday, Christmas Day, or simply Christmas is celebrated on December 25 every year. Though some contest that this is not the exact date Jesus was born, people all around the world generally observe the holiday on the said date. Some alternative dates on the birth of Christianitys central figure are January 6, 7 and 19.
Historians have long attempted to identify the year of birth but they only succeeded in placing it soe time between 7BC and 2BC. They also believe that the date of December 25 was selected to correspond with the day Jesus was conceived or the date of the Roman winter solstice. You can read about the first Christmas Eve in two of the Bibles New Testament Canonical gospels.
Although Christmas is nominally a Christian holiday, it has been celebrated by more and more non-Christian people all over the world. It is an occasion which is considered to be the time for giving and forgiving, for bonding with family and loved ones, and for remembering the life of Christ. Traditional customs in celebrating Christmas include decorating the home with sparkling lanterns and multi-colored lights, attending the mass, giving gifts to friends and family, and having dinner at midnight. It is also widely accepted that Christmas is a holiday especially celebrated for children.
To make the feel of Christmas more intense, you can now get your free December 25 Christmas Day wallpaper by just downloading it from the Internet. Look forward to the holidays!