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Free Christmas Cake computer desktop wallpaper

Free desktop wallpaper of Christmas Cake.

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Christmas Cake

One of the things that people look forward to the most when celebrating Christmas is the food that is served on the eve of the occasion. Family members spend quality time together and share the bountiful blessings on the table. Aside from the usual Christmas fare such as ham, specialty dishes and wine, people serve Christmas cake to make the celebration complete.

In many countries such as UK, Japan, Ireland and the Philippines, Christmas cake is one of the most important food items. It is a type of fruitcake that may be dark or light-colored, leavened or unleavened, crumbly and moist or sticky and wet. It is also available in different shapes and sizes and decorated with icing, glazing, sugar or just plain and simple. The most common designs that can be found on Christmas cakes are fir trees and Santa Claus. Other countries accentuate their cakes with stars and candy sprinkles.

In Scotland, the Whisky Dundee is a particular favorite. It is a light and crumbly cake which has raisins, sultanas, cherries and currants on top. The apple crème Christmas cake is also a favorite in some parts of the world. Apple crème cake has sliced apples, eggs, cream cheese, raisins, and heavy whipping cream.

Many countries have their own versions of the Christmas cake which reflect their customs and traditions. Can you feel the holidays getting nearer each day? Level up the anticipation by downloading free Christmas cake wallpaper for your PC and feel the spirit of Christmas fill the air.