Free desktop wallpaper of Celebrate National Cherry Month.
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This Month is All Red: Celebrating the National Cherry Month
There are lots of fun events and holidays to celebrate on the month of February. One of these is the National Cherry Month. It just so happens that its also the birth month of the first president in the United States George Washington. We do know of the story about little George chopping down his fathers cherry tree. Even though this legend is a myth, it gives us another reason to celebrate the National Cherry Month this year. Its true that one of the most striking signs of the arrival of spring is the blossoming of this beautiful tree.
The cherry is also one of the worlds oldest cultivated fruits. Greeks and Romans cultivated cherries as early as 300 B.C. The name cherry comes from the Greeks. In Latin, it means for the birds. Obviously, the birds are the ones who are most in love with these little fruits. The United States is currently the second biggest producer of this fruit. The tart variety is the most commonly raised in this country because it is easier and less delicate to raise than the sweet ones.
Another popular variety is the Bing cherry. This one was developed by Seth Luelling in 1875. As for health benefits, you can enjoy the advantages of a healthier heart, diabetes prevention, arthritis alleviation and weight loss when you regularly consume this fruit. Cherries are rich in vitamin C and are loaded with potent antioxidants. Be sure to download the Celebrate National Cherry Month free wallpaper.
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