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Free Canada Day computer desktop wallpaper

Free desktop wallpaper of Canada Day.

Free computer desktop wallpaper by unknown.
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Free wallpaper – Enjoy!

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Celebrating Canada Day with Flair

Canada Day or Fete du Canada in French is the national day of Canada celebrated every 1st of July. It is a federal statutory holiday that commemorates the July 1, 1867 enactment of the British North America Act of 1867. Now known as the Constitution Act of 1867, it united three colonies into one country, which is Canada. This day was originally named Dominion Day or Le Jour de la Confédération but it was changed to Canada Day in 1982 when the Canada Act was approved.

There are different ways to celebrate this day with flair. One is to dress up in your best red and white outfit and carry a maple leaf flag wherever you go. You can also hold a barbecue or pool party and invite family and friends to come over. After all, this is a great day for spending time with the people you love.

It’s also a wonderful idea to go camping. It doesn’t matter whether you like to rough it or keep things cool and comfy, just spending your day at the gorgeous Canadian outdoors is more than enough to make you thankful for this country. You may also bring your family to a place where there’s a display of fireworks. All these are excellent ways to celebrate Canada Day, whether you’re in Canada or not, whether you’re a Canadian or other nationality. Of course, you can also celebrate in the comfort of your own home by downloading a free Canada Day wallpaper on your computer.

To save this file to your desktop: right-click on the actual wallpaper image and choose “Save Picture As…” or “Set as Background”.
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Disclaimer: we do not claim any of these images to be our own creation. This image was submitted to this site by one of the visitors. We appriciate very much the hard work and effort used to create them. All wallpaper images have ‘copyrights’ and ‘trademarks’ of their creators and respected owners. If you do not see appropriate credit given, please let us know and we will correct it as soon as possible.