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Free Berlin Marathon computer desktop wallpaper

Free desktop wallpaper of Berlin Marathon.

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Ready, Set, Go at the Berlin Marathon

If you’re a fan of the sport of running, you probably know the Berlin Marathon, which is a prestigious running sporting event held in Berlin, Germany annually. The official distance of the tournament is 42.195 kilometers. That’s 26 miles and 385 yards. You can imagine just how long that is.

This tournament is set up as a city-wide road race that welcomes professional runners and amateur running enthusiasts alike. It was first held in 1974. Since then it has become a tradition for the marathon to be held on the last weekend of September.

Nowadays, the Berlin Marathon is participated by more than 40,000 runners coming from over a hundred countries. The spectators exceed over a million, making this event one of the most popular road races in the world. It forms the World Marathon Majors, which is a series that offers $1 million prize that is to be split equally between the top male and female contestants.

The Berlin course is where most marathon records for both men and women have been made. The course is known for its flat profile and even surface. Not only that, the crowd is known for their cheering prowess. The temperature is great too so the runners are neither too cold nor too hot when they run. A new world record was set by Haile Gebrselassia in 2008. This event, which also features inline skating competition, is held for two days.

Want to catch all the action? Be sure to decorate your computer desktop with a free Berlin Marathon wallpaper.