Free desktop wallpaper of Australian Grand Prix Melbourne.
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Come See the Australian Grand Prix
With the Australian Grand Prix being held on Melbourne on March 15-18, 2012, now’s a good time to buy tickets if you haven’t gotten any and you want to go and see this event. During the Australian Grand Prix, events will happen on the circuit every day from 11 in the morning until 7 at night. The Formula One race will happen on Sunday beginning at 5 pm. Make sure to stake out a good spot so that you won’t miss the main event.
The gates open at 10:30 a.m. every day. They will be closed after race activity ends. However, some gates will remain open on Sunday, so that you can stay and enjoy the music. Make sure to check out the entertainment precincts, where a variety of events have been set. There will also be a dance at Sidetracked during the day on Saturday and Sunday.
Around the Grand Prix venue, as well as inside the Cities of Port Phillip, Stonnington and Melbourne, it is against the law to consume or possess alcohol in unsealed containers or in public places that are not licensed premises or extensions of licensed premises. This will be in effect from March 12 until March 19.
Just be sure to follow the rules so tat you’ll enjoy your Grand Prix experience.
Download a free australian grand prix melbourne wallpaper for your computer so that you can keep track of what’s happening on the track.