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Free Antique Style World Map computer desktop wallpaper

Free desktop wallpaper of Antique Style World Map.

Free computer desktop wallpaper by unknown.
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Free wallpaper – Enjoy!

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Map the World

Where would we be without a map? Early world maps helped explorers navigate the ends of the earth. The earliest known world map is the Babylonian Imago Mundi, which was most probably made around 6th centry BCE. The map shows Babylon on the river Euphrates. A circular landmass surrounds it.

On the landmass, you can see the cities of Assyria and Urartu as well as some other cities. In turn, these are surrounded by the “bitter river” Oceanus. Around Oceanus are seven islands, which form a seven-pointed star. There is text that comes with the map, that says that there are seven outer regions out of reach, over the ocean.

We know about descriptions of five of the islands. The third island is so far away that birds cannot reach it. On the fourth island, the light is even more dazzling than sunrise or the stars. It can be found to the northwest. After sunset in the summer, the island can barely be seen. The fifth island can be found in the north. Here, no one can see anything.

If you like mapping places, then download a free Antique Style World Map wallpaper for your computer.

To save this file to your desktop: right-click on the actual wallpaper image and choose “Save Picture As…” or “Set as Background”.
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Disclaimer: we do not claim any of these images to be our own creation. This image was submitted to this site by one of the visitors. We appriciate very much the hard work and effort used to create them. All wallpaper images have ‘copyrights’ and ‘trademarks’ of their creators and respected owners. If you do not see appropriate credit given, please let us know and we will correct it as soon as possible.