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Remembering Departed Loved Ones on All Souls Day
Every November 2, people go to cemeteries, hear mass for the dead or light up candles to remember their loved ones who have already passed away. Known as All Souls Day, this is a tradition widely celebrated especially in Catholic countries.
Although its not as popular as the two holidays preceding itHalloween on October 31 and All Saints Day on November 1, All Souls Day is a solemn Catholic feast that commemorates the dead, particularly those who may still be in purgatory needing prayers for the cleansing of their souls so that they finally enter Heaven and enjoy eternal life.
One of the customs practiced during All Souls Day is reading of the scripture. Some of the suitable readings for this holiday include Psalm 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6; Romans 5:5-11; Romans 6:3-9; and John 6:37-40. As for prayers, people may recite the eternal rest, eternal memory, and weekly prayers for the faithful departed.
It was Pope Benedict XV who emphasized the significance of this special event, and granted priests the privilege to celebrate three masses on this day. The first one is for the faithful departed. The second one is for the intentions of the priests. And the third one is for the Holy Fathers intentions.
On this day, people are encouraged not only to remember their loved ones who have passed on but also to make an effort to release their souls from purgatory. This can be done through prayers (such as those mentioned above), good deeds, and hearing mass.