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Free 5 4 3 2 1 Happy New Year! computer desktop wallpaper

Free 5 4 3 2 1 Happy New Year, computer desktop wallpapers, pictures, images


Free desktop wallpaper of 5 4 3 2 1 Happy New Year!

Free computer desktop wallpaper by unknown.
This wallpaper was submitted by one of the visitors. Please let us know if you know the author of this wallpaper.

Free wallpaper – Enjoy!

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Counting Down to the New Year

At the end of every year, a lot of people happily count down in anticipation of a brand new year.

One of the most famous New Year’s Eve celebrations happens in Times Square, in the center of Manhattan, in New York City. Here. Millions of people gather to watch the Ball Drop. New Year’s Ever revelers have gathered in Times Square as early as 1907, but the first Ball Drop only took place three years later. Since then, it has been dropped annually from One Times Square. The only interruptions occurred in 1942 and 1943 because of lighting restrictions due to World War II.

The most recent ball to be dropped was unveiled in 2008. Measuring twelve feet, it is twice as large as previous balls. It weighs a whopping 11,875 pounds. It is a geodesic sphere. It can be seen every day of the year at Times Square .

Every New Year’s Eve, the ball starts to drop at 11:59 p.m.. By this time, over one millions people will have gathered at Times Square. Millions more will be watching on TV. Viewers tune in across the United States and all around the World. As soon as the ball drops, a large amount of confetti -one ton, to be exact, rains over Times Square.

Experience the magic for yourself by downloading a free 5 4 3 2 1 Happy New Year! computer wallpaper on your computer. This way you can have your own New Year’s Eve countdown.

To save this file to your desktop: right-click on the actual wallpaper image and choose “Save Picture As…” or “Set as Background”.
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Disclaimer: we do not claim any of these images to be our own creation. This image was submitted to this site by one of the visitors. We appriciate very much the hard work and effort used to create them. All wallpaper images have ‘copyrights’ and ‘trademarks’ of their creators and respected owners. If you do not see appropriate credit given, please let us know and we will correct it as soon as possible.